Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Dates That Really Rate: February 28th!

In-between Midnite Monster Hops, the Phantom Creeps travel in the Bucket o'Blood throughout all of space and time! There are countless wonders to behold to inspire the young and the old: Artists, dreamers, and creators, have struggled and fought not just throughout time on your own planet, but on infinite spheres throughout the inky, infinite, blackness of space!

Earthlings: Throw out your hollow Hallmark holidays! Today is important!

As this writhing universe collectively races towards its inevitable doom, the Midnite Monster Hop marks the births & beginnings of those that really rate! Invest time and energy into the existence of Moina Mathers, who was born on this date in 1865, and Maurice Renard, who was born on this date in 1875!

Samuel and Moina Mathers 
Maurice Renard - the French HG Wells!

Stay in the know! Peer through time! Grab the newly expanded Phantom Creep Radio calendar at the next Midnite Monster Hop!

Monday, February 27, 2017

Dates That Really Rate: February 27th!

In-between Midnite Monster Hops, the Phantom Creeps travel in the Bucket o'Blood throughout all of space and time! There are countless wonders to behold to inspire the young and the old: Artists, dreamers, and creators, have struggled and fought not just throughout time on your own planet, but on infinite spheres throughout the inky, infinite, blackness of space!

Earthlings: Throw out your hollow Hallmark holidays! Today is important!

As this writhing universe collectively races towards its inevitable doom, the Midnite Monster Hop marks the births & beginnings of those that really rate! Invest time and energy into the existence of the magazine Famous Monsters of Filmland, that first hit the magazine racks on this date in 1958, and P.t.Bonham, who was born on this date in 1962!

Jim Warren and Forrest J Ackerman had a real monster (mag) on their hands!
Thrilling Wanda was not a harsh mistress for Private Ack Ack
Ray Bradbury & Forry Ackerman as young'ins in monster masks created by fellow sci-fi boy, Ray Harryhausen!
Wanted! More Famous Monsters readers like...
Wanted! More Famous Monsters readers like...
Wanted! More Famous Monsters readers like...
Wanted! More Famous Monsters readers like...
Uncle Forry helped monster kids face the future!
with the heir apparent
What a page turner!

Stay in the know! Peer through time! Grab the newly expanded Phantom Creep Radio calendar at the next Midnite Monster Hop!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Dates That Really Rate: February 26th!

In-between Midnite Monster Hops, the Phantom Creeps travel in the Bucket o'Blood throughout all of space and time! There are countless wonders to behold to inspire the young and the old: Artists, dreamers, and creators, have struggled and fought not just throughout time on your own planet, but on infinite spheres throughout the inky, infinite, blackness of space!

Earthlings: Throw out your hollow Hallmark holidays! Today is important!

As this writhing universe collectively races towards its inevitable doom, the Midnite Monster Hop marks the births & beginnings of those that really rate! Invest time and energy into the existence of Victor Hugo, who was born on this date in 1802, Beach Pneumatic Transit, that first opened on this date in 1870, Tex Avery, who was born on this date in 1908,  Betty Hutton, who was born on this date in 1921, Fats Domino, who was born on this date in 1928, Johnny Cash, who was born on this date in 1932, and Jaz Coleman, who was born on this date in 1960!

Stay in the know! Peer through time! Grab the newly expanded Phantom Creep Radio calendar at the next Midnite Monster Hop!